
Achieving Your Goal of IIM Interview Calls

Written By: Somjit Banerjee

My Journey

I embarked on my CAT exam journey in 2021. Several months prior to November, around April, I committed to completing each topic on a monthly basis. Balancing my day job with night-time preparation posed a challenge, and staying motivated was no easy feat. Fortunately, I had unwavering support and encouragement from my family and friends throughout the process.

Enrolling in coaching classes provided access to invaluable textbook materials and online resources. Additionally, I joined two national test series, which allowed me to assess my performance on a national scale. Following the CAT exam, I felt content and confident in my performance, eagerly awaiting interview calls from the IIMs. Upon checking the answer key released by the administration, I was delighted to discover that I had performed well enough to secure interview calls from all the IIMs.

Receiving interview calls marked the beginning of the next phase of preparation. I left no stone unturned, staying abreast of daily news, revisiting my undergraduate subjects, familiarizing myself with the MBA landscape, mastering new concepts, studying the history and style of each college, and participating in mock interviews, among other activities. Ultimately, my efforts bore fruit as I received acceptance letters from all my dream colleges, including IIM Ahmedabad.

Peer-to-Peer Learning Platforms and CAT Preparation

Peer learning platforms can significantly aid candidates in staying motivated and grasping concepts effectively during CAT exam preparation. Here’s how peer learning can benefit CAT aspirants:

For CAT Exam Preparation: Online groups are organized based on relevance and comfort, facilitating assistance during moments of demotivation. Since many CAT candidates are working professionals, these groups typically convene for study sessions at night. This accessibility ensures that doubts can be promptly clarified, providing immediate feedback and support when solving challenging questions. Collaborating with group members allows candidates to receive assistance in their weak areas, alleviating stress and fostering motivation in the months leading up to the exam.

For Interviews: Mock interviews and group discussions are integral to interview preparation, and having study buddies to practice with can bolster confidence and offer constructive criticism. Each candidate brings unique strengths to the table, covering areas that others may have overlooked. Learning from the interview experiences of peers and engaging in healthy discussions makes mastering difficult concepts more manageable.